Geriatric Care

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Geriatric Care (Care of the elderly)

Currently we define a geriatric patient when he is 75 years of age or older. This age group usually presents relevant pluripathology, and sometimes there is a high risk of dependence or there is a predominant mental pathology.
The geriatric patient usually presents different health problems, more complex, since they are patients with multiple diseases and most of them have polymedication.
The early detection of health problems in the elderly allows early intervention, which prevents deterioration and improves the quality of life.

In our consultation we value the elderly patient in an integral way, determining the organic diseases, the functional capacity, the mental state and the familiar family environment. We also work in close relationship with the different specialists and with different levels of care (acute care hospitals, middle stay or convalescence, long stay, Spitex)
And we make home visits scheduled on Wednesday afternoon, for patients who cannot go or be brought to our consultation. In such a way that we ensure adequate attention in a continuous and coordinated manner.