home visits

Home / home visits


IMG 2019-06-13 a la(s) 10.29.28
IMG 2019-06-13 a la(s) 10.30.44

home visits

Through the home visits we carry out the respective diagnoses and treatments. We also promote the recovery and rehabilitation of bedridden patients or patients with reduced mobility.

The most important situations that require home visits are the following:
– Fragile elderly patient with multimorbidity and polymedication that can not be brought to the medical consultation
– Patients with a high degree of disability and / or bedridden
– Patients suffering from an incurable disease and terminally ill. Patients requiring palliative care at home
– Patients who have recently been disabled (myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, etc.).

The specific goal of home visit is to provide optimal care for patients in their home environment and to facilitate the active participation of their family group in order to accelerate their recovery or stabilization as much as possible.
