
Home / Vaccinations
IMG 2019-06-13 a la(s) 10.33.04
IMG 2019-06-13 a la(s) 10.33.22


Vaccination is a public health measure of extraordinary impact on the health of the world’s citizens over the years. Since ancient times, man sought to be resistant to infections.
Through vaccines, we provoke the generation of defenses (antibodies) that act to protect against future contacts with infectious agents, in such a way that infection or disease is avoided.
Vaccinations do not end in the pediatric age, but the epidemiological changes justify in many cases to continue them in adulthood.
The vaccines are administered by injection and orally. Currently, in order to reduce the number of injections, combined vaccines are used. The scheme of the dose and time interval of the vaccination schedule is important in order to obtain a response and greater efficacy.
In our practice, we not only take care of verifying and carrying out the different standard vaccinations for adults, such as:
– Tetanus
– Diphtheria
– Whooping cough (Pertussis)
– HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)
– Grippe (Influenza)
– Meningococcus
– Measles
– Rubella
– Varicella
– Parotitis
– Pneumococci
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